Leave a gift in your Will
Leave us a gift in your Will to Leonard Cheshire and your name will stand for independence, kindness and hope for disabled people.
Your values will live on in years to come. And your lasting legacy will be a better, fairer world for disabled people.
Our gifts in Wills guide
By leaving a gift in your Will, you too can make something wonderful happen in your name.
Our free guide contains everything you need to know about making a Will, including tips and information on how to write or amend your will, the impact a gift in a will can have and the different types of gifts you can leave in your Will.
Gifts in Wills, large or small, make up nearly half of our donations, so your gift is hugely important to disabled people in the UK and overseas.
Your gifts help us to provide vital services and support that otherwise wouldn’t exist — so disabled people can live, learn and work as independently as they choose.
Contact us
For more information, advice and queries, get in touch with our gifts in wills team on giftsinwills@leonardcheshire.org.