Volunteering in lockdown
Isabella has been volunteering from home during the coronavirus lockdown. She tells us how she has found the experience.
Isabella is a Year 10 high school student from West Yorkshire. She was working towards her Silver Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) Award.
She was volunteering for a local community centre, but due to the current crisis, she had to stop.
Isabella decided to volunteer with us using our 12-week guide to volunteering from home.

Finding new ways to volunteer
"While being in lockdown, I was unable to complete my volunteering section for my Silver DofE. My teacher suggested using Leonard Cheshire's social action online volunteering programme. It involved using social media to advertise their cause.
"I found this a great help because I was able to finish my volunteering section. I also got to learn about their amazing programmes while helping spread their message.
"I am grateful that I could change my activity part-way through my DofE. Taking part in social volunteering meant I got to learn about Leonard Cheshire and the worthwhile work they do in the community.
"My favourite activity which I completed was ‘Random acts of Kindness’ in Week 4. I made a card and sent it to residents at Oakwood in Greater Manchester.”
Thank you to all our volunteers
Volunteers support us in so many ways. Support can include anything from driving or befriending to programme and office support. Or it can be in more ad hoc ways like social action volunteering.
During the pandemic, we've had volunteers sewing scrubs and delivering personal protective equipment (PPE). Other volunteers have been making sure the people we support still feel connected. They've been sending cards to services or virtual befriending over Skype.
We're thanking all of our volunteers. Both those who can't join us right now and those taking on new volunteering roles to support us at this difficult time.