Leonard Cheshire Change 100 logo Get the best talent. Join us to enhance your organisation and launch the careers of disabled university students and graduates. Change 100 alumn Samson speaks into a microphone at a Professional Development event in London. Hello We are Leonard Cheshire – we support individuals to live, learn and work as independently as they choose, whatever their ability. We work directly with disabled people to remove barriers and with organisations to foster inclusive workplace practices. Back in 2013, we initiated Change 100 to revolutionise the employment landscape for disabled students and recent graduates- to establish a culture of inclusivity for disabled talent. Eleven years later we are still striving. In March 2023, the employment rate for disabled people stood at 53.7% compared to 82.7% for non-disabled people. There is still much more to do, to reduce the 29% disability employment gap in the UK in March 2023. * Did you know? 1 in 5 people will become disabled at some point in their lives** 77% of students and recent graduates with disabilities fear they will be discriminated against if they share their disability with employers*** *House of Commons Library, Disabled People in Employment, June 2023 **Department for Work and Pensions, 2018 ***GreatWithDisability.com, Openness: understanding why students are reluctant to be open with employers about their disability, 2015 What is Change 100? Change 100 is an award-winning programme of paid internships, professional development and mentoring for talented disabled students and recent graduates. Our motivation Change 100 aims to unlock the potential of disabled students and recent graduates and give organisations access to an incredible talent pool, bursting with ability, creativity and insight. Your opportunity We are looking for employers to offer paid summer internships to participants. Change 100 interns have already made their mark with over 285 leading employers. Whatever the size or sector of your organisation or the opportunities you have available, we invite you to experience Change 100’s benefits. 70:24 Female:Male* *Remainder of participants selected ‘Trans’, ‘Other’ or ‘Prefer not to say’ Statistics from 2022 participants. 44% First from family to go to university 44% Black and minority ethnic 100% Disclosed one or more disabilities Change 100 intern Rebecca on a site visit during her internship at Overbury. The support provided is excellent and makes it really straightforward for busy hiring managers to buy into the process. The quality of candidates is always high. HR team, Skanska Why get involved? Access to untapped talent An effective student/graduate talent sourcing strategy. Our pool of high-quality candidates allows access to talent beyond traditional recruitment methods. A source of competitive advantage Improve your workplace practices for a lasting competitive advantage with Change 100, which enhances market appeal and promotes inclusion and accessibility. Become more disability confident We recognise that employers may have concerns regarding adjustments, inclusive language and providing opportunities for disabled employees. Our team of disability specialists offers guidance, training, and support to help your staff gain new perspectives and feel more confident in this area. By becoming a Change 100 employer, you'll receive expert assistance to enhance your *Centre for Social Justice, Rethinking disability at work, 2017 **Business Disability Forum, 2022 organisation's disability confidence, regardless of your current level. Whether you're just starting out or already a Disability-Confident Leader, our training packages will help you continue to lead the way in driving cultural change towards inclusion. Increase employee engagement It is extremely likely you already employ disabled people who haven’t shared their disability or long-term condition. Participating in Change 100 will signal your commitment to being an inclusive employer. Serve your current employees better 83% of disabled people acquire their disability during their working life.* Most of these people can continue their existing employment with workplace adjustments and commitment from their employer. The average cost of disability adjustments is £75 per individual.** As a Change 100 partner you will receive: ■ An effective strategy for sourcing student and graduate talent that seamlessly aligns with your needs and requirements, targeting specific interests ■ Gain access to a pool of highly talented disabled students and graduates across the UK, tailored to your needs and preferences for recruiting ■ Detailed candidate persona profiles based on their written applications ■ Ongoing support throughout the three-month internship period ■ Development opportunities for your staff ■ Networking opportunities with other Change 100 employers Your organisation will also benefit from: ■ Expert workplace adjustment and disability-inclusive recruitment training and support for all staff involved in the programme ■ The opportunity to improve your organisation's Disability- Confidence level ■ Resources and continuous support for mentors within your organisation ■ Demonstrating commitment to driving cultural change on disability ■ Exclusive 25% discount on our Training and Consultancy services to further develop your understanding of disability in the workplace Change 100 intern Amy at a Professional Development Event in London. Cost Participation and commitment in Change 100 costs £3,250 + VAT per intern plus the intern’s salary for the duration of the internship. The salary must meet or exceed the Living Wage Foundation recommended hourly rate: www.livingwage.org.uk Over the last eleven years: 95% of employers agreed that their Change 100 intern has had a positive impact on their organisation* 93% of employers agreed that goodwill with staff improved as a result of increasing disability awareness and confidence* *of employers that responded Your Change 100 intern All Change 100 intern applicants are already studying an undergraduate degree or have graduated university and are eligible to work in the UK for a full-time summer internship. We will hold a pre-matching consultation with all shortlisted applicants. We will provide candidate profiles before you meet your selected pool of matches in a supportive interview process. Benefits  Increase the size of your talent pool  Create a workforce that reflects the diverse range of customers you serve  Help foster a collaborative, inclusive and positive workplace culture  Enhance your company's value proposition and market appeal  Bring additional skills into your business which could result in large savings  Diversifying your workforce can lead to better employee engagement and overall performance Some of our supporting partners ARUP logo Autotrader logo BBC Sport Logo BBC Studios Logo BMI logo BMW logo Christies logo Companies House logo Elsevier logo Essex County Fire & Rescue Service logo European Bank for Reconstruction and Development logo Freeths logo Hipgnosis logo IHG Hotels & Resorts logo LexisNexis logo MacMillan logo Ministry of Justice logo M&G logo National Lottery Heritage Fund Logo New Philanthropy Capital logo NHS Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust logo NHS England logo Odgers Berndtson logo PPL logo Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service logo Resolution Foundation Logo Skanska logo Wall to Wall Television logo Suez logo THG logo 1300+ Over 1,300 Change 100 internships for disabled people have been delivered by our partners since 2013. Key dates Sept - Nov 2024 Promotion and recruitment campaign at universities 3rd Sept 2024 – 21st Nov 2024 Application window for students/graduates Oct 2024 - Feb 2025 Screening calls with candidates Jan - April 2025 Accessible recruitment training Webinar events programme Employer submits internship role survey (15th Jan*) 5th Feb - 1st May 2025 Employer receives applicant profiles for recruitment, supported by Change 100 Intern adjustment briefing between Change 100 and employer. Jun – Sept 2025 Internship period and start of Professional Development Programme for interns Ongoing support for employers throughout the summer Sept – Dec 2025 Continuation of Professional Development Programme with graduation event in December How can you start your Change 100 journey? Please get in touch with the Change 100 Employer Relationship team on: change100@leonardcheshire.org leonardcheshire.org/employer100 *If your organisation needs more time to submit the internship role survey, please speak with your Employer Relationship Manager. Leonard Cheshire Disability is a registered charity no: 218186 (England & Wales) and no: SC005117 (Scotland), and a company limited by guarantee registered in England no: 552847. VAT no: 899 3223 75. Registered office: Leonard Cheshire, Regus, The News Building, 3rd Floor, 3 London Bridge Street, London, SE1 9SG The UK government has praised Change 100 for “tackling inequalities within the UKs’ labour market... with an ambition to change the employment landscape for disabled students.”